Yesterday some senior students helped the Juniors run their Huff and Puff Race. Here is Derek helping out some little ones. Well done for helping out the Juniors!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Solar Eclipse By Adam
Today is a special day for it is the day of a solar eclipse. An eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the sun causing the sky to go dark. You need special glasses to look straight at the eclipse otherwise you could go partially blind. In the North island the moon will cover 87% of the sun but in the South Island it is only covering 57% of the sun. The best place is the Northland East coast where the moon will cover the best part of 90% of the sun! In ancient times people thought that an eclipse meant the end of the world, so they sacrificed things ranging from chickens to humans! The next solar eclipse seen in New Zealand will be in 2028 but the next really good one will be in 2035!
By Adam
Solar Eclipse report by Ethan
Solar Eclipse
Today might look like your ordinary Wednesday but no, your wrong. Until 9.18 to 10.30 am it is solar eclipse. This happens when the moon covers the sun and it goes dark. We have been warned NOT TO LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN!. You need special glasses to see the sun and they sell them at the Stardome. We are about to do live streaming on the web to see what shocking effect it is going to have. It may not look very dark because our eyes can adapt to the change. Mr Whiting arrived with these strange but interesting glasses that kind of looked like 3-D glasses. It was dark looking through the glasses until we looked up. It looked like a quarter moon but it was like a quarter sun. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was amazed. It was a great experience watching the solar eclipse and I hope it comes again but better which will be on 2028
By Ethan
Solar Eclipse by Jamie
is not your usual Wednesday. Today is a day when the moon will cover the
sun but something else that happens in the process is darkness and you won’t
want to look at the sun directly its very dangerous. You'll need special
glasses that help block out the light. Thankfully Mr Whiting brought in
solar glasses to school and we got to see the bright eclipse. It looked
like an orange banana.
by Jamie
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Solar Eclipse by Tyler
Solar Eclipse
Wednesday the 14 of November was a special day because that was the day of the Solar Eclipse.From 9:18 to 10:30 the moon covered the sun 87%.The next Solar Eclipse will be on 2028.
If you look at the sun directly you might get blind. So if you don’t want to get blind, you need to wear special glasses. That was really cool to watch because everything around me was pitch black but you could see a banana shape right in the sky.
By Tyler.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Jump off !
Who will win in the jump off? Or will the wind have a part to play?
Derek and AFL Drill
Derek is having fun completing the AFL drill! Did you get dizzy?
Zane and AFL
Today we had some fun on the field doing some AFL drills. Go Zane go!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Sunnybrae Olympic Review
On Friday 10th August Sunnybrae Normal School had a school
Olympics. Some of the teams were Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark,
Egypt, France, Great Britain, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Tonga (in
alphabetical order), that’s all I could remember but how does the Olympics
work? You'll see in about 5 seconds.
First all the students got in to countries (they didn’t get to
choose what country they got in) and some of the year 6s got to become one of
the officials, one of them was a male named Campbell Jin. Next the
countries sat on the netball court in alphabetical order, then the team leaders
of each counties got their paper torches and put them on the big Olympic
torch while the officials got to their stations.
Then the activity started, each "country" got
told which station they're going to. So they went. Each station had a
different sport for example high jump, obstacle course and running...for high
jump and the other sports similar to it, the juniors jumped a lower height than
the middles and seniors. After about 15 minutes the bell rang and then the
officials marked the team points and the team/country went off to another
station while another team came. So this would be happened 4 times. Next
all the teams/countries went back to the netball court while the officials
packed up and went back to the netball court too.
Now the teachers announced the team/country that had the most,
second most and third most points, every member of those teams got a medal.
Australia got gold, Tonga got silver and Japan got bronze.
the people that were spotted showing R.I.C.E. (Respect, Independence,
Cooperation, Excellence) also received a gold medal. Soon after that the
children of Sunnybrae went back to their homes.By: Campbell
Classroom Speeches
On Monday 20 August, we had to do class speeches. To decide who
went first, we drew out of a box. First up ... Julius. Julius talked
about cartoons. Next... Simon, he did his on the Amazon Rainforest, Tariq
was drawn out but he wasn't ready yet [sorry I can't remember
the order from thereon any more] . My favourite one was...[I
liked them all], my least favourite one was my own. Some of the other
speeches were about game addicts, animal abuse, basketball, sports ,
games , t.v. programmes, myths and much, much, more. At the end of the day
we had a vote for Students' Choice award and who will go into the senior
finals. Tyler came 1st, Paul took 2nd place and it was a 3 way tie
between Nathan, Derek and Liam for the bronze. Mr Gordon has picked some
too for the finals.
By Jordan
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Current Events - Jamie
The three New Zealand soldiers killed by a bomb in
Afghanistan on Sunday have started their journey home.
A special ceremony was held at Bagram Air Base where the
bodies of Corporal Luke Tamatea, Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker and Private
Richard Harris were carried onto an Australian Air Force aircraft.
They were killed when
an IED bomb with 20 kilograms of explosives blew up the Humvee they were
travelling in.
The three soldiers will be transferred onto a New Zealand Hercules
plane in Australia and is expected to arrive in Christchurch tomorrow.
By: Jamie
three caskets are carried to the Royal Australian Air Force C-130 by members of
the NZ Provincial Reconstruction Team.
Class Speeches
I was so nervous before
the speeches. I thought that I was going to die. Today was the last day of
doing the speeches so that means that whoever hasn't done their speech they
have to do it. I was doing my speech on basketball. When I got to school, a
really funny thing happened! But it wasn't funny for me because I pulled out my
own name from the speech box. But I did kind of like it because I was 5th to
do my speech which meant that I had a lot of time to practice and get ready. It
was finally time for me to go and share my speech. While I was doing my speech
I was shivering. I wish I could go back to my desk. 3 minutes later I could
finally stop my time was a little too short but I really hope that I don't have
to do my speech again.
By: Ahsan
Class Speeches
On Monday [20th
of August] and Tuesday [21st of August] my class [Room 13] shared
our speeches. We shared them after morning tea, the first person who shared his
speech was Julius, and his speech was about cartoons. Jamie’s speech was about
basketball, Simon shared his speech about the Amazon Rainforest. Adam’s topic
was about international basketball players. Nathan talked about Minecraft, his
speech was the longest with 4:48 seconds. The shortest speech was Enoch’s one,
his time was 2:18 and talked about Hitler. I really wanted to share my speech
on the first day but you have to get your name picked out of a box. Unfortunately
my name didn’t get picked out of the box on the first day, fortunately the next
day my name got picked out of the box. My speech was about sports and my time
was 2:43. I enjoyed listening to everyone’s speech.
From Tyler
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Sunnybrae Olympics
I was watching the
London Olympics on tv and then I heard there was going to be a Sunnybrae
Olympics. On the day we had to have flags of a country , my country was France.
There was sports like potato race and mini athletics none of the sports in the
Sunnybrae Olympics were in the London Olympics, but it was still Ok. I think
the juniors should have been separate to the middles and seniors because we had
to help them all the time. Each time the bell rang we had to change sporting
event. There were sports all over the school I was in the seniors, at the
beginning our leader had a Olympic torch made of paper. The sports were pretty
good, we did the Sunnybrae Olympics until the bell rang. It was a fair Olympics
the teachers picked the best team, but it was not all about winning. You still
had a chance of winning a gold medal, if the teachers saw you working hard or
helping others. After the Sunnybrae Olympics I went home and started the Luke
Olympics, it was supposed to be with my family but they would not join in. I did
two sports high jump and long jump.
By Luke
Monday, August 20, 2012
Today (Monday
20TH August) we had speeches in Room 13. It was the first time we
did speeches but over half the class had spoken by the end of the day. The
first six people to speak were (in this order) Julius, Tariq, Leo, Simon, Adam
(me) and Jamie. Julius’ speech was about cartoons, Tariq hadn’t completed his yet. Leo’s was
about Adventure Time, Simon’s was about the Amazon Rainforest . Mine was about
international NBA players and Jamie’s was about basketball. People ranked mine,
Jamie’s and Simon’s the best out of the first six speeches but there were a lot
of other interesting speeches too. Chris did his about online game addicts,
Gabriel did his about aliens, Manik shared facts about smoking and Nathan spoke
about a game called Minecraft (which was the longest speech). I’m looking
forward to all of the other speeches throughout the week.
By Adam.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Current Events T3 Wk5
Can you answer the following current events questions. Hope have enjoyed the Olympics! Click on the image to enlarge it.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Malawi report
When Mr Gordon gave us this "assignment" I thought instantly I'd do my mums home country, Malawi. So here i am & here it is. In Malawi they are not the sportiest of countries but they have their strengths like... did you know that Malawi are ranked 5th in the world at Netball? In the 1800s Malawi was known as Nyasaland but they renamed their country Malawi in 1964. The Malawi flag consists of a green and red stripe with a red sun on top. The president of Malawi is Joyce Banda, she only became president when the former president died this year. My mum was born there in 1970, six years before thy changed the name to Malawi. Malawi is making there paralympic debut this year and are hoping to finally win an olympic medal. The capital of this fine country is Lilongwe and their main language is Chichewa but they speak over 100 different language is Their currency is Kwacha and there are 14,901,000 people living there and thy probably all go swimming in lake Malawi.(which by the way is way bigger than lake Taupo.) I feel proud that my mums from Malawi because even though they have never won an Olympic they have persistence and they are going for gold!
Olympic Country Report
United States of America
. The capital of the USA is Washington D.C
. The population of USA is 312.8 million or
exactly 312,780,968 people.
. The official language of the USA is
. The most famous foods in the USA are
Hamburgers, Apple pies and Potato chips.
. The most famous athlete in the 2012
Olympics for USA is Michael Phelps.
. The US currency is the US dollar $.
. The first US capita was New York city.
. California once had no rain for 2 years!
. USA sent 529 athletes, 261 men,268 women
to compete in 25 sports.
. The oldest team member in the US team in
2012 is a 54 year-old Equestrian Kearen o’Conner and the youngest is 15
year-old swimmer Katie Ledecky.
. Handball is the only sport for which the
USA has no representation in these Olympic games.
By Tyler
NZ Olympic Hockey
Olympic Hockey
Have you watched the NZ Olympic hockey? Well we have and it was awesome. At the start it was a little boring but at the end NZ beat Australia in women's hockey which is weird because Australia usually beat us. The score was 1-0. The men's black sticks came 9th and they beat Argentina 3-0 the Black Sticks used to be really good but now they are not as good as before. The women are playing for 3rd and 4th soon. We hope they bring home the bronze.
Olympic Bloggers: Ahsan and Leo
Have you watched the NZ Olympic hockey? Well we have and it was awesome. At the start it was a little boring but at the end NZ beat Australia in women's hockey which is weird because Australia usually beat us. The score was 1-0. The men's black sticks came 9th and they beat Argentina 3-0 the Black Sticks used to be really good but now they are not as good as before. The women are playing for 3rd and 4th soon. We hope they bring home the bronze.
Olympic Bloggers: Ahsan and Leo
Monday, August 6, 2012
Current Events - T3 Wk 4
Can you answer the following Current Events questions - note the Olympic focus! Click on the image to enlarge it.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Olympic Sport Review
I enjoyed watching the soccer at the 2012 London Olympics. I especially enjoyed watching soccer because I play soccer and my dream is to be a soccer player and represent NZ
when I grow up.
By: Enoch
My favourite sport in the London 2012 Olympic games is Basketball. My favourite teams in the Olympics are NZ and USA. If I was at the Olympics I would play basketball because I'm better at that sport out of the other sports.
By; Ashane
when I grow up.
By: Enoch
My favourite sport in the London 2012 Olympic games is Basketball. My favourite teams in the Olympics are NZ and USA. If I was at the Olympics I would play basketball because I'm better at that sport out of the other sports.
By; Ashane
Monday, July 30, 2012
Olympics Have Begun!
The Olympic games have begun in London on the 27th of July.The opening ceremony has been finally released to show the world. Make the most of watching the games because they will soon be over. One of the scenes of the opening ceremony is when Daniel Craig (007) and Queen Elizabeth jumps off the helicopter with a parachute and landed safely. Crazy isn't it! Well Mr Bean was on there too and what a laugh. Come on New Zealand 10 more medals to go. New Zealand are aiming to win 100 and we got 90 so close. I think that the best scene was when they tried to build London in a small version.
Classroom Bloggers Jamie and Jerome
Classroom Bloggers Jamie and Jerome
Monday, July 16, 2012
Welcome Back To School!
Welcome back to school!
Today is Monday and the beginning of the the school term has started and we should be ready to learn lots of awesome things and get prepared for the speeches! Remember we're having the mathathon and you should be fundraising for the school so you can win lots of prizes like badges etc. Every 6 sponsors and the PTA will come to your class every Friday to reward you.
Have a good term!
Remember to be a good student and learn hard!
By Chris and Nathan! Class Bloggers :)
Today is Monday and the beginning of the the school term has started and we should be ready to learn lots of awesome things and get prepared for the speeches! Remember we're having the mathathon and you should be fundraising for the school so you can win lots of prizes like badges etc. Every 6 sponsors and the PTA will come to your class every Friday to reward you.
Have a good term!
Remember to be a good student and learn hard!
By Chris and Nathan! Class Bloggers :)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Current Events T2 Wk1
Welcome back students. Here is your Current Events Quiz for this week. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
More Soap Box Derby Video
Here is some more video of our efforts at the Soap Box Derby. Thanks Mr Salmon for the video!
Soap Box Derby Video
Enjoy some video that has just come in about our Soap Box Derby efforts! Thank you Mr Salmon for the video.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Library Slogan Contest

Today we have been busy making slogans in Comic Life for signs to be used the new area for boys in library. I wonder who will win the contest? Here is one of our entries from Leo.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Soap Box Derby Car - Test Drive
This afternoon Room 13 students had a go test driving the Soap Box Derby car. We had some bloopers! See the video below.
Soap Box Derby Car - Sharing

Today we took our Soap Box Derby Car to our buddy class. Our little buddies enjoyed getting a chance to test drive the car.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sponsorship Found!

We had some wonderful news today. Room 13 has sponsorship for our Soap Box Derby car from the Wilco Racing Team! The boys are very excited and we would like to say thank you for your support!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Soap Box Derby Car - Sponsorhip Needed!

Are you interested in helping us with our Soap Box Derby Car - we need sponsorship. The previous school to use this car was sponsored by Albany Toyota. If you are interested in sponsoring our car please email our teacher Mr Gordon at . We are looking at painting our car the school colours - yellow and black.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Special Delivery - Soap Box Car!

Today was a special day for Room 13 - we had a special delivery. The special delivery was a SOAP BOX CAR! We enjoyed looking at the parts, putting it away and deciding on our next steps, as we prepare for the upcoming Soap Box Derby.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Current Events Quiz - 2012

Here is the First Current Events quiz for 2012! Are you able to answer the following questions? Click to enlarge the image.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Well Done Zane!

Zane worked hard and enjoyed making his cartoon during his first day back to school. Can you figure out what he enjoys doing?
Room 13 Timetable
Just a reminder about our class timetable.
Swimming - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
PE. - Monday
Library - Monday
GATE - Tuesday
Make sure you are prepared!
Swimming - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
PE. - Monday
Library - Monday
GATE - Tuesday
Make sure you are prepared!
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