Oh stink ... its raining! I have been so excited from last night, packing my clean sports uniform and even getting my $1 for an iceblock! All for nothing? No Way, this can't be happening! I was so disappointed this morning when mum came into my room and said, "Rosa, it's raining this morning. Do you think athletics is still on? Half asleep I replied "No". But when I was fully awake. I knew what it meant. It meant there was a high possibility of athletics being postponed until tomorrow! I felt my heart sink. But... just in case, I brought my P.E uniform anyway. When I got to school, sure enough Mr Gordon said "Even if it gets sunny, the ground will be too wet so we can't do it today.". I was expecting this but once again I felt let down. All I could think was "If only I could change the weather from the beginning!". SO ...I'm really hoping we can have athletics tomorrow.