Today we have been researching and reviewing some of the Find-out-athon questions. In particular we were using the atlas to help us find out where places in New Zealand are located. We need to be ready for the test this Wednesday!
As part of our writing and maths programme we have been creating multiplication maths games. It has been and interesting process designing the game, creating instructions and reviewing the game with our family and classmates. The final stage is to get it laminated for all to use and borrow for homework revision of basic facts.
We had a special card and farewell for Mrs Pretoruis during our buddy class session. Thank you for being such a wonderful buddy class teacher and best wishes on your new educational adventure overseas! We will miss you!
We have been gearing up for Multicultural Week by creating flags representing the various cultures at our school. Once we decided on the flags we needed we had to research the flag, draw it up and then paint it. Along the way we discovered and shared the interesting symbols and colours of the various flags.
As part of our Earth Forces unit we create small models of the earth applying the various layers using modelling clay. When we were finished we cut the models in half which gave us opportunity to view the cross section of the earth! It is a small world and an interesting one!