Monday, March 11, 2013

Current Events

Can you answer the following Current Events questions? Click on the image to enlarge it.

Friday, March 8, 2013

My Window Poem

My Window Poem

I see the sun bright and hot in the sky. 

I see blue sky and white clouds all over the place. 

I see the crane carrying the cut tree to the truck.

I see the man inside the back of the truck.

I see the man cutting the tree with a chainsaw.

I see the wood chipper cutting up the tree limbs.

I see the big orange cones to keep the kids away.

I see the grass so dry and begging for water.

By: Ralph

My Window Poem

My Window Poem

I see the blue sky and a puff of cloud.
I see thick white clouds and a few green leaves and the tip of a crane.
I see a red crane carrying a piece of tree up, up, up.
I see a man working on the crane.
I see the three orange cones with tape so we know to stay away.
I see the dry grass on the ground and the concrete near our class.

By Abim

Friday, March 1, 2013

Swimming Sports Review

This week on Wednesday we went to Birkenhead swimming pool to do the swimming sport. I did the breaststroke and when I got in the pool I was suprised because I thought the water was cold but it was warm.  When I heard the loud sound I started to swim,at last I reached the other side. I was cold when I got out and the teacher gave me a stick and it said 3rd. I gave this to Mrs Bailey to get class points. 
After morning tea I  cheered for Tre as he was swimming a length of freestyle. At the end of the races we had free time in the pool. It was really fun!!! Then we had to get changed in the boys toilets. On the way back to school on the bus I sat with Henry. We were singing songs together. It was really fun!!! 

When we got back I was surprised Mrs Bailey said “ You have to give me $50.”  
I said, “Why?”.  Mrs Bailey said, “ Because you forgot your swimming togs and I brought them back to school for you.”.  Lucky she was only joking. After lunch I played cricket with Henry. It was the best day of my life!!!

BY Ralph  Room13